CAiM is among the winning consortium for this year’s Hochschulmedizin Zürich Flagship Project "SURGENT: Surgeon Enhancing Technologies"
Hochschulmedizin Zürich, unveiled its new flagship project for 2018. Surgent (Surgeon Enhancing Technologies) aims to set new standards in precision surgery. CAiM is part of the HMZ SURGENT team and will contribute on the project. The project will be led by Mazda Farshad, a professor and director of Balgrist University Hospital, and Mirko Meboldt, professor of product development at ETH Zurich.

SURGENT (Surgeon Enhancing Technologies) aims to establish new standards of patient specific planning and execution of precision spinal and neurosurgery.
This highly interdisciplinary project stands at the cross-roads of surgery, biomedical imaging, computer sciences and Engineering. It will converge all these fields for development, integration, optimization, and clinical validation of state-of-the-art technologies for surgical skill augmentation and embed these tools within efficient and economical clinical workflows for the benefit of the patient.
CAiM is part of the external page SURGENT consortium.
Further Informations: ETH Zürich news